MaCo MOT: Pub Crawl

MaCo MOT: Pub Crawl
Georganiseerd doorMaCo MOT


Datumwoensdag 29 november 2023 van 20:00 tot 23:00 uur

Dear Curius master students,

Prepare yourselves for the one and only MoT Pub Crawl, and don’t forget to bring a crazy item! We will meet up at the statue of Hugo de Groot in front of the Nieuwe Kerk at 20:00u and then proceed to the first pub. We’ll be going to different bars (all located within walking distance of each other) together with the whole group. Everyone who makes it to the final bar will be rewarded with a complementary shot!

This event is open for all TPM master students so bring all your study mates :)

Hope to see you the 29th!

Love, MaCo MOT  

