Lunch Lecture Van Lanschot Kempen

Lunch Lecture Van Lanschot Kempen
Georganiseerd doorCurius


LocatieTPM Hall A
Datumdonderdag 26 oktober 2023 van 12:45 tot 13:30 uur

Registrations close October 23 at 16:00 

Dear all,

On October 26, Van Lanschot Kempen is coming to Delft to talk about their company and how you can end up with them as a TPM student! A former TPM student who now works there will be present to answer all your questions! Free lunch will be provided for all participants!

As a wealth manager, Van Lanschot Kempen operates in Private Banking, Investment Management and Investment Banking - aiming to preserve and build wealth in a sustainable way, both for their clients and for the society we are part of. Van Lanschot Kempen, listed on Euronext Amsterdam, is the oldest independent bank in the Netherlands with a history dating back to 1737.

Are you curious about their stories and projects? Then sign up now!

See you the 26th! 

